How to Clean Milk Out of Carpet & Remove the Smell?

Jeff Berry

By Jeff Berry

Last Updated on September, 2024

Many things make people second-guess their choice of carpets. No matter what kind, if you accidentally spill milk, it will become a nightmare. The exceptionally absorbent carpet fibres will have you sprinting for more paper towels. 

Despite being such a pain, the protein in milk can be broken down to clean spilt milk. You can research cleaning milk stains from carpets. You’ll be surprised to discover that more methods of cleaning the affected area are available than you expected. 

In the carpet cleaning business, you should remember that the longer a stained area is left unattended, the more persistent the stains will be. Use a dry towel or a clean sponge to soak the spilt milk immediately. 

We will give you plenty of remedies to choose from. You can remove milk stains with essential ingredients right at home!

Quick Summary

  • Milk stains on carpets can be a nightmare and should be cleaned immediately to avoid making the stain more persistent.
  • There are various home remedies for removing milk stains and smells from carpets, including dish soap, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, cornstarch, borax, baking soda, and vinegar.
  • It is important to act fast when it comes to removing milk stains and smells from carpets, as delays can lead to more difficult cleaning processes and worsen the smell. Professional carpet cleaning services are also available for those who are unable to remove the stains and smells themselves.

How to Get Milk Smell Out of Carpet?

A picture of milk spilled on a carpet

Getting the stain out is only half of the problem. You have another issue if you find a dried milk stain or an affected area still reeks of sour milk. But you can trust us to provide a cleaning process that will remove the smell from the carpet. 

Fresh Milk Stain

If you spill fresh milk, the first thing to do is grab a paper towel. Soak up the excess milk as much as you can. Try your best not to waste any time. You can’t let the spilt milk absorb into the carpet fibres. 

If the milk has seeped into the carpet, apply pressure with a dry cloth to help it soak as much milk as possible. Spilling milk is not as much of a problem.

It becomes an issue when you let it sit enough for the sugars to convert into acetic and lactic acid. The stain it leaves can be a significant issue. 

Dried Milk Stains and Smell

Taking spilt milk out can be challenging if you let it sit and dry. You will see a layer of dry milk on top. Gently scrape it off the surface of your carpet. Then, you can use a vacuum cleaner to remove scraped pieces. 

To remove residue, use a spray bottle to spray lukewarm water. Then, pat it with a damp cloth before the carpet dries completely. You may still need to remove the remaining residue with a dry towel.

If you find a dry stain, you can remove it with warm water, but what about the smell? Failing to locate the milk stain may leave a spoiled milk odour. 

Useful guides:

Remove Milk Stains With Home Remedies

Though there is no point in crying about spilt milk, you must quickly remove the milk stain. The minute milk hits the carpet, it begins to sour. Before the sour milk smell settles in, we have home remedies you can turn to. 

a person cleaning milk stain using dish soap

Removing milk stains is easier than removing milk smells. It doesn’t matter if the stain is from clean or sour milk. Stain removal is easier than getting the smell out of the carpet. You can do remedies with the following supplies:

  • Dish Soap. 
  • Ammonia. 
  • Laundry Detergent Paste. 
  • Hydrogen Peroxide. 
  • Cornstarch. 

With Dish Soap and Ammonia

The most common remedy you will find on the internet is dish soap. Use a few drops of mild dish soap with cold water. Find a clean sponge and dip it in the solution. Before doing this, you must have cleaned up the excess milk with a dry cloth. 

This way, you can easily manage the stain. Wring it until it is damp but not wet. Gently scrub the milk stain from the outer edge and bring it towards the inside. The dish soap helps with the unpleasant smell, too. 

Any stain left can be removed with an ammonia solution. Add one tablespoon of Ammonia to two cups of warm water. Use this solution to dampen a cloth. Blot the stained area with the cloth. Keep working on the affected area until the stain starts fading. 

With Laundry Detergent Paste

Take a bowl and a toothbrush. Add some water into the bowl and make a detergent paste. 

You can use powdered laundry detergent to make a paste with cold water. The paste can take away persistent stains. Gently rub this paste on the affected area with the toothbrush. Milk stain removal is easy if you act fast and not let it dry. 

With Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide is an effective alternative to clean milk stains. It can also remove the smell of milk from the carpet. You will need just a paper towel and a dropper. 

You must use only 3% Hydrogen Peroxide Solution because any more percentage will damage the carpet fibres. After you have blotted the spilt milk with a clean cloth, use a dropper to apply the solutions. 

Wait for the stain to start bubbling a little. This means that the solution is working. Once it stops, take a clean paper towel and blot it. If the milk stain remains, you can use a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to make a paste with non-gel toothpaste. 

Apply that and let it work until you see it getting dry. Carefully scrape it if needed, or use a vacuum cleaner to remove the residue. 

With Cornstarch

If you can’t find hydrogen peroxide, cornstarch is an alternative that can be easily found in your kitchen. Due to its absorbent nature, cornstarch is best for removing milk or other food stains. 

Always blot the milk spilt with a clean cloth before applying anything. Sprinkle cornstarch on the milk stain and leave it for thirty minutes. Then, vacuum the powder away. 

Remove Milk Smell From the Carpet

a person cleaning milk stain from a carpet

The smell can get bad depending on how long it has been spent on the carpet. Milk starts to curdle as soon as it is on a rug. Our recommended remedies can quickly get the smell out of the carpet. 

The ingredients used for the stain are best to remove the stain. You can’t leave the carpet overnight with the stain. Use a different solution for an odour-free carpet. You can clean the stain with the following:

  • With Borax Powder.
  • With Baking Soda. 
  • With Enzyme Spray. 
  • With Vinegar Solution. 

With Borax Powder

Always clean spilt milk with a damp cloth or a paper towel before applying something to remove the smell from the carpet. The Borax method works well if you don’t have bicarb soda available, but you have to leave it in for longer. 

Apply the powder directly on top of the stain. Use a soft carpet broom with gentle bristles to spread it across all the stains. Then, wait at least twelve hours.

Leave it for up to fifteen hours if you can. Then, you can vacuum the powder, and the entire smell will be absorbed and gone. 

With Baking Soda

Baking Soda is the most commonly found ingredient when there is a foul smell. You can use it as an odour-absorbing tool to remove the sour smell. Before you use it, blot the area with paper towels. 

Generously sprinkle baking soda and leave it overnight. Once you’re ready to clean it up, break down the crusted baking soda with a soft brush and vacuum it. Sprinkling baking soda works with any foul-smelling substance. 

With Enzyme Spray

The proteins in milk cause it to have a bad smell. The ingredients we use will break down the components of the milk. Enzyme cleaning products are one of the best products. 

Get an Enzyme spray bottle and lightly spray it to remove the milk smell from the carpet. You may have to let it settle into the rug for a couple of days, more if it’s possible. Blot the affected area to dry it. If you want, you can use a vacuum to straighten out the rug fabric.

With Vinegar Solution

If you use vinegar to remove the milk smell, its scent disappears after the solution dries out. This makes the vinegar solution the best method for eliminating odour. You can also use cold water with vinegar. 

The correct method is to mix cold water with vinegar in equal amounts. Then, add this solution to different bowls and place them around the stain. The vinegar in the bowls will absorb the smell. You can also use a spray bottle to sprinkle some on the stain. 

After some time, pat the area with paper towels. You can also use a steam cleaner to remove it further. 

Get a Professional Carpet Cleaning Service

a professional cleaner vacuuming carpet

If you have never used these methods before, or if you have but don’t have time to clean milk or the smells this time, you should call for a professional carpet cleaning service. 

If the area was affected long ago, you will need more help than remedies. Professionals can save a lot of stress and get the milk smell out way faster. Whether rubbing alcohol or vinegar, nothing beats the cleaning service that leaves you with a fresh-smelling carpet.

There will be dried milk on the surface if you discover a dried milk spot under your couch. You can only help it by scraping it off with a dull knife, but the smell won’t go until you reach out to hire a professional. 

Hire CCM for the Job

Whenever you find a spot needing cleaning, get it cleaned on the same day. You need local carpet cleaners with enough experience to remove stains and the dried milk smell. 

You can call Carpet Cleaning Manchester for the job by chatting briefly with our customer service. Answer all the questions specific to your problem, and we will be at your place in thirty minutes at most. 

We’ve ensured that all our carpet cleaners are experienced with the tools they use and wear protective gloves. The best part is that we are local and resourceful. 

To Wrap Up

To get rid of the milk smell from your carpet, you need to act fast. Delays will only make the process difficult and worsen the smell later. Give the remedies outlined above a shot; they will work if done correctly. 

If you think it’s too much work, we’re here to help. Just give us a call, and we’ll be there with all the equipment to erase any trace of milk from your carpet.

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